How it works
Shop recurring items
Set up
Receive by delivery
Eligible recurring items
We have a list of eligible recurring items that you can set a frequency and receive by delivery.
Shop the list here: Shop recurring items
Setting up recurring items
You can set up your preferred frequency to have all of your favourite items automatically delivered to your door when you need them.
Choose from a range of frequency options between 1 and 16 weeks.
You can cancel a recurring item anytime, before the time of processing. Cancelling a recurring item is per item, not order.
We will send you a reminder email before processing your order, giving you time to cancel if need be.
Your recurring schedule will remain in place until you cancel it.
Frequently asked questions
The price of products is not fixed at the time recurring items are set up. Our everyday low prices are subject to regular change to reflect our frequent competitive price checking and may reduce or increase between each order. We will always provide you the best price available from our everyday low prices (including any promotion that might apply).
If, at the time we commence processing your order the price of your recurring item has increased from your previous order, we will notify you at the reminder stage by email. The price applicable will be as at the time of payment processing.
If the price has decreased since your last order we will not notify you but the reduced current price will be applied to your order.
Whilst this feature is still in its infancy, you will be able to cancel recurring item/s and edit your payment method for each individual recurring item. If you would like to edit or change a recurring item, you will need to cancel first before setting up again after purchasing and checking out.
If we are unable to successfully process on the day of your recurring order, we will notify you that your payment was unsuccessful. We will then retry the following business day, giving you time to update your funds, account or payment method. Recurring items and delivery is subject to your 30 Day account and Credit Card availability
To make your shopping experience easy and secure, we will save Credit/Debit cards used for the set up of recurring items for future use. These cards can easily be managed in the My Saved Cards.
At Officeworks, we understand that there may come a time where you need to return a purchase.
You may return the purchase in-store in its original packaging and in a sellable condition and have a proof of purchase and ID. More information can be found at Return Policy.
Help Centre
- Delivery
- Software Downloads
- SWMS Documents
- Returns
- Store Queries
- Website
- Online Print Services
- Officeworks 30 Day Business Account
- Miscellaneous
- Online Orders
- Reorder From Order History
- My Lists
- Accounts
- Business Accounts Online
- Log in Assistance
- Securing Your Account
- Recurring Items
- Scam Warnings