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Scientific Calculators

Find the right tool for your calculations with our range of scientific calculators. Whether you're solving tricky math problems or working on detailed projects, these calculators are designed to work out the toughest of maths problems. From basic equations to advanced functions, explore our selection today.

Casio fx-82AU PLUS II 2nd Edition Scientific Calculator
Casio fx-82AU PLUS II 2nd Edition Scientific Calculator
Casio fx-8200AU Scientific Calculator Black
Casio fx-8200AU Scientific Calculator Black
Texas Instruments Scientific Calculator TI-30XB Multiview
Texas Instruments Scientific Calculator TI-30XB Multiview
Sharp Scientific Calculator Black/White EL-531TH
Sharp Scientific Calculator Black/White EL-531TH
Sharp Scientific Calculator Black/Green EL-531TH
Sharp Scientific Calculator Black/Green EL-531TH
HP Scientific Calculator 10s II
HP Scientific Calculator 10s II
HP Scientific Calculator 300s+
HP Scientific Calculator 300s+
PLP Tile One Pass

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TI-30X Plus MathPrint Scientific Calculator
TI-30X Plus MathPrint Scientific Calculator
Casio fx-100AU PLUS Scientific Calculator 2nd Edition
Casio fx-100AU PLUS Scientific Calculator 2nd Edition

What are scientific calculators?

A scientific calculator is designed for more than just basic math, making it great for solving complex problems like trigonometry and algebra. These calculators are perfect for students and professionals who need advanced functions for subjects like calculus or physics. At Officeworks, we have a wide range of scientific calculators to help with all your math needs, whether it's for school, university, or work projects.

Are all scientific calculators the same?

Scientific calculators differ in features and designs from brand to brand, although most offer similar functions for solving equations and handling both simple and complex calculations. At Officeworks, we stock a wide range of top brands to suit your needs, including:

  • • Casio scientific calculators
  • • HP scientific calculators
  • • Texas Instruments scientific calculators
  • • Sharp scientific calculators

What is the difference between a scientific calculator and a normal calculator?

Scientific calculators handle advanced math calculations, such as trigonometry and logarithms, making them the perfect maths calculators ideal for engineering and physics. Standard calculators, are designed for basic arithmetic like addition and subtraction and are suitable for everyday tasks at work or home. Explore our range in-store or online today!

What is the best Casio scientific calculator?

When it comes to buying a scientific calculator, you want to ensure you can use it at school, work or university. Our range of Casio scientific calculators are approved by schools, so you don’t have to worry about getting it wrong. Some of the best scientific calculators include:

Scientific calculators handle advanced math calculations, such as trigonometry and logarithms, making them the perfect maths calculators ideal for engineering and physics. Standard calculators, are designed for basic arithmetic like addition and subtraction and are suitable for everyday tasks at work or home. Explore our range in-store or online today!