Year 7 - 2000
Delivering solutions for almost 20 years.
- Name: Cynthia Contreras
- Role: Functional Analyst
- Location: Support Office, East Bentleigh
- Joined Officeworks: 2000
I started on May 29th 2000, and I’m currently working in IT as part of the corporate applications team.
Officeworks, as a company, is many things: it is supportive, flexible, caring, innovative, and much much more. Officeworks had offered me opportunities that have kept me challenged and engaged throughout my years here.
The people I have worked with are friendly, professional, they’re the kind of people that foster teamwork, and really motivate you and others to be their best. Everyday creates a good memory for me but I think, the best memories are those spent and shared with friends and colleagues I have made here along the way.
I’ve seen a lot of changes in my time, ownership for one, offices, IT structure, bosses, colleagues, and technology, but the foundations that inspire me to come to work everyday have not changed.
As a person, I have grown professionally with and adapted to all the changes I have experienced with Officeworks and along the way, have made lifetime friends.
Careerwise, I felt pretty special when I was acknowledged in front of colleagues for having delivered an IT solution in conjunction with a big vendor that resulted in considerable savings for the company.
In my almost 20 years here I have always been part of IT as a solution provider. It’s not necessarily my role that has changed, but the challenges offered to me which have grown in complexity over the years and made me into what I am today.