In uncertain times, it can help to focus on the future – and that applies to both kids and adults. Making plans and setting goals are nothing new, but have you ever been intentional and sat down to really reflect on what you want and on where you see yourself in the future?

Visualisation might seem a little woo-woo, but there’s actually real science to back it up. Elite athletes have been doing it for years and all sorts of successful people, including Oprah, say making vision boards has helped them believe in and then achieve their dreams.

For kids, it’s a great way to help them express themselves and learn goal-setting at an early age. If you’re looking for a fun activity that unites you as a family and gives kids an outlet for sharing their hopes and ambitions, an afternoon of vision boarding together might be just the ticket.

Here are some ideas and steps for how to make a vision board that works for the whole family.        

Step 1: Create a List of Goals

Create a list of goals and ideas to make a vision board with your kids.

Before you sit down with the kids to make a vision board, you all need a vision. Effectively, this is a brain-dump exercise – start by getting everyone to jot down dreams, goals and so on. No goal is too small or weird or insignificant – make sure kids understand they can put absolutely anything down (even if that is hoping for a puppy).

Once everyone has their long list, share the ideas with one another and help each other review and prioritise. What are the top 10 ideas? Can you whittle that down to a top five or even a top three? Kids might need some helpful prompts with this one; ask them what they hope to achieve inside and outside of school. Set goals as a family, too: a holiday you want to take together, or mastering an activity that unites you, like all learning to play tennis.                

What You'll Need

Step 2: Gather Your Materials

To make your vision boards, start with a large cork board or a piece of cardboard or canvas, as well as push pins, scissors, glue and tape. Then get everyone to search for inspirational images and words in old magazines and newspapers, or search for them online and print them out.

You’ll want to completely cover your board in pictures and words that represent your vision board ideas, goals and intentions for the future.

If you’re saving for a bucket-list family trip, for example, find images of the destinations you would like to visit. Search for anything that makes you feel positive and inspired – encourage your kids to do the same.                

What You'll Need

Step 3: Make A Collage

How to make a vision board with your family as a visualisation tool to inspire and focus.

Now for the fun part: it’s time to get creative. Place the cork board or canvas down on a flat surface and start to cover it with overlapping images, drawings, photos and words. This may take some time and a bit of trial and error to get it right, so hang in there and keep at it.

Use glue, tape and pins to secure your collage pieces in place. Keep building layers upon layers until you are happy with the overall look and feel of your vision board.

You might be aiming to create a beautiful, aesthetically pleasing board to keep you motivated – but for your kids, let them go wild with ideas that make them happy. After all, the board should inspire them.                  

SEE ALSO: Create Craft Not Chaos: 5 Easy (& Tidy) DIY Kids Projects

Step 4: Add The Finishing Touches

Decorate your vision boards with doodles, sketches, stickers and patterned washi tape. This is where the kids can embrace anything from paint to crazy stickers.

Take pens or markers and add personal touches to your collage, caption photos and add in dates and details if appropriate. These are the final elements that will make your vision boards perfect and personalised.                  

What You'll Need

Step 5: Find the Perfect Position

Display the vision boards in a place where everyone can see them daily; on the fridge or above a study desk might be ideal. Creating vision boards is definitely a significant piece of the puzzle, but now you need to do the work towards making the board a reality. Keep your mindset positive and focused so you can manifest the goals. Check in with kids regularly on what progress they’re making toward achieving what they set out and be sure to share with them how you’re going with yours, too.                 Â