It’s the most wonderful time of the year, and kids' Christmas craft is the perfect way to keep your tribe happy and busy these holidays. We’ve curated 12 days’ worth of easy STEM activities that will work kids’ fine motor skills, inspire creativity and get them even more excited about the festive season.
Christmas Craft Idea 1: Gingerbread House Bunting

This sweet bunting will add instant nostalgia to any space. Best of all, it’s a blank slate for kids’ creativity!

Step 1: Fold a piece of A4 brown card in half, before drawing the shape of a gingerbread house.
Step 2: Cut out the shape, leaving you with two identical cardboard houses. Then repeat until you have a set of about 10 to 15.
Step 3: Begin ‘decorating’ the gingerbread house with designs (small dots, swirls and squiggles to re-create an icing sugar effect), using a white paint marker.
Step 4: Using your scissors, cut small holes in the top and outer corners of each house, ready to be threaded.
Step 5: Take some thread and weave it in and out of the holes until you have a full piece of gingerbread house bunting ready to hang.
What You’ll Need

- Quill A4 210gsm Board Brown 25 Pack
- Gift Packaging Paper Twine 2mm x 100 m White
- POSCA PC 5M Paint Marker White
- J.Burrows Comfort Grip Scissors 8”/203mm
SEE ALSO: 3 Easy DIY Christmas Wreath Ideas
Christmas Craft Idea 2: Egg Carton Wreath

Your kids will be proud as punch hanging this vibrant Christmas craft idea on their bedroom door. Upcycle your egg cartons and other cardboard materials to produce this masterful creation.
Step 1: Start cutting out the round egg holders, giving them different edges and ‘petal’ shapes.
Step 2: Take the egg carton’s lid and cut out leaf shapes in all different sizes.
Step 3: Take a large piece of cardboard – part of an old cardboard box will work well – and cut out a large circle, then cut out another small circle inside it to make a doughnut shape. That’s the base for your wreath.
Hot Tip: Make sure you don’t cut the smaller circle too big when you make the inside hole, as you don’t want the doughnut part to be too thin.
Step 4: Paint the wreath base and the leaves green, then start painting and decorating your egg carton flowers in all different colours.
Step 5: Using a glue gun, stick down the leaves onto the wreath base, then add the flowers. (You might want to have a test run positioning the flowers and leaves on the wreath before you glue them down to make sure you’re happy with the design.) Try adding some embellishments like felt pom-poms, too.
Step 6: Finally, add a small loop of string to the back of the wreath by threading it through some small holes you’ve punched through with scissors, a knife or a hole punch (it’s a good idea to get an adult to help with this part). Use the string loop to hang your colourful new wreath on the door handle or a hook on your wall.
What You’ll Need
- Studymate High Temperature Glue Gun
- Maped Greenlogic Scissors 17cm
- Kadink Assorted Paintbrushes 15 Pack
- Kadink Washable Bright Poster Paint 250mL Dark Green
- Kadink Washable Bright Poster Paint 250mL Yellow
- Kadink Washable Bright Poster Paint 500mL Turquoise
- Kadink Washable Bright Poster Paint 250mL Magenta
- Kadink Washable Bright Poster Paint 250mL Light Blue
- Kadink Washable Bright Poster Paint 250mL Purple
- Paper Twine 2mm x 100 m White
- PPS Moving Box Large 431 x 406 x 596mm
Christmas Craft Idea 3: Origami Folded Crown

It’s a paper-loving kid's dream, and this repetitive fold and weave will leave them with a glorious and colourful crown in minutes. Then all they need to do is draw a design on it.

Step 1: Take a piece of square craft paper and fold two edges in towards each other to create a point.
Step 2: Then take the bottom edge and fold it directly upwards, pressing down as the edge hits the bottom of the folded point.
Step 3: Fold the same piece upwards again, making what looks like a sailor hat shape. Then repeat the whole process with separate pieces of paper until you have 7-8 folded shapes.
Step 4: Turn your shapes over so that the ‘back’ of them is facing up. Take two ends and slip one beneath the other to join them together. Repeat until all are joined in one line.
Step 5: Take the two ends and bring them together in a loop, and join by folding one end under the other. Gently bend the shapes a bit until the crown is nice and round.
Step 6: Put some glue on the back of the end pieces so the crown is secure.
What You’ll Need

SEE ALSO: 6 Easy DIY Christmas Gift Ideas
Christmas Craft Idea 4: Jumbo Decorations

If you fancy a little OTT Christmas cheer in your home, then these oversized cardboard decorations will be just perfect. Easy to create and brilliant for both mindfulness and working the dexterity of small (and big!) fingers, these large cardboard baubles will look fun hung from hooks, the mantle or even the tree.

Step 1: Fold a large piece of cardboard in half, and half again, then trace a shape, such as a bell, star or round bauble onto the board.
Step 2: Carefully cut around your shape, pulling apart the multiple pieces of the same design.
Step 3: Repeat as many times as you like, including an alternate colour if you wish, to create a fuller shape.
Step 4: Fold each shape in half and then, using a glue stick, add glue to one folded side, and press it against another folded piece, lining up the edges.
Step 5: Repeat until you have a tight bundle, then add hot glue down the ‘seam’ of the folded pieces. Press all the pieces together to make one shape.
Step 6: Cut a small hole through the top of the shape using your scissors and thread through a piece of twine to make a loop.
Hot Tip: If the shape doesn’t allow for the loop through a hole, you can glue the end of the twine loop into the seam before pressing the shape together.
What You’ll Need

- Quill 510 x 635mm Colour Board (multiple colours)
- Studymate High Temperature Glue Gun
- Bostik Blu Stik 35g
- J.Burrows Comfort Grip Scissors 8”/203mm
- Gift Packaging Paper Twine 2mm x 100 m White
Christmas Craft Idea 5: Fun With Clay

The fine motor skills of your little ones will get a workout as you create special memories together shaping and sculpting these cute festive ornaments, sure to add a special touch hanging on your Christmas tree. Pop in the oven, allow to cool and get decorating!
What You’ll Need
Christmas Craft Idea 6: Twist Cup Scene Maker

Taking the humble paper cup to a whole new dimension, this activity will ignite kids’ imaginations and challenge their fine motor skills as they navigate engineering their cup design and then plan and draw their scenes. As the inside cup twists around, each scene will be revealed.

Step 1: Turn your cup upside down and sketch your scene designs onto the face of the cardboard. On a small cup you should fit around three scene changes.
Step 2: Fill in your designs with coloured markers until the whole cup has been coloured in.
Step 3: Take a second cup, turn it upside down and then cut a small hole in the middle of one side of the cup.
Step 4: Using your scissors, carefully cut from the inside outwards until you have a square or rectangle-shaped ‘window’.
Step 5: Slide the cup with the window over the top of the designed cup and twist to see the scene changes.
Step 6: Glue one end of a craft stick to the inside edge of the designed cup with hot glue.
Step 7: Holding the outside cup in one hand, your other hand can turn the craft stick slowly around in a circle and you will see the scenes change in your window.
What You’ll Need

- J.Burrows Single Wall Paper Cups 113mL 80 Pack
- Born Dual-Tip Brush Markers 50 Pack Assorted
- J.Burrows Comfort Grip Scissors 8”/203mm
- Kadink Wooden Craft Sticks Natural 180 Pack
- Studymate High Temperature Glue Gun
Christmas Craft Idea 7: Sun Catcher Mobile

Warm weather brings sunshine, which is perfect for getting the kids involved in sun-catching Christmas craft activities. Using their fine motor skills, kids can dream big using charms, beads and sparkly materials.

Step 1: Take two jumbo craft sticks and add a dab of hot glue to the middle of one, pressing the other over to make a cross shape, which will form the base of the mobile.
Step 2: Cut twine at different lengths between 10cm and 15cm, tying a double knot at the bottom of each.
Step 3: Choose beads to thread onto the twine, adding an occasional knot as you go to leave gaps between the beads.
Step 4: Using hot glue, add sparkly star gems to occasional beads, and also ‘sandwich’ them in the gaps of the twine. Do this by adding some hot glue to the inside (non-coloured) side of a star, then press the twine onto the glue, covering the exact spot with another star.
Step 5: Take the ends of your now-decorated twine and tie them onto the craft stick base, with space between them.
Step 6: Take a few lengths of twine and plait them together for a stronger ‘rope’ that you can then tie to the middle of your craft stick base. Then tie it directly to a tree branch, balcony rail or porch beam and watch it sparkle in the sunlight.
What You’ll Need

- Kadink Jumbo Craft Sticks Natural 50 Pack
- Studymate High Temperature Glue Gun
- Born Round Wooden Beads 12mm Natural 30 Pieces
- Kadink Wooden Threading Beads Jar 180 Pack
- Kadink Star Rhinestones 35g
- Kadink Geometric Rhinestones 35g
- Gift Packaging Paper Twine 2mm x 100 m White
- PPS Poly String Ball 80m
SEE ALSO: 5 Fun DIY Crafts With Cardboard Rolls
Christmas Craft Idea 8: Catch A Ball Cup Game

The perfect solution to the ‘I’m bored’ catchcry of the summer holidays. Not only is this game inexpensive and easy for children to create, they’ll also get the satisfaction of making it themselves. Trust us, that equals more fun, too.

Step 1: Start by decorating your cup using markers to make any design you like.
Step 2: Take a piece of elastic around 10cm to 12cm long (ensuring the length is short enough that it doesn’t hit you in the head), thread a large wooden bead on to the end and tie a knot to secure it in place.
Step 3: Cut a hole through the bottom of the cup using the tip of your scissors. An adult can help with this.
Step 4: Push the end of the elastic without the bead up through the hole from the outside to the inside. Then tie a big knot at the end which will sit over the hole inside the cup and hold the elastic in place.
Step 5: Place a small hole on the side of the cup and push through a small craft stick, angling it down so the end rests on the bottom of the cup. Then use a small dot of hot glue to hold it in place. Allow to dry.
Step 6: Your game is ready! Hold the craft stick in one hand and swing the elastic and bead backwards and forwards until it lands in the cup.
What You’ll Need

- J.Burrows Single Wall Paper Cups 113mL 80 Pack
- Kadink White Round Elastic 2mm x 5m
- Kadink Wooden Craft Sticks Natural 180 Pack
- Born Round Wooden Beads 12mm Natural 30 Pieces
- J.Burrows Comfort Grip Scissors 8”/203mm
- Born Dual-Tip Brush Markers 50 Pack Assorted
Christmas Craft Idea 9: Snowflake Sewing Plate

Kids as early as prep and kindergarten age can put their fine motor skills to work with this fun STEM school holiday activity, then show off their cool snowflake keepsake by hanging it from the Christmas tree, a hook or a handle.
Step 1: Download and print out the snowflake template or make one with a ruler and pencil to create your own design.
Step 2: Cut out the snowflake design and place it onto the inside of the plate, attaching it with sticky tape if you need to. Then take a sharp pencil and carefully poke holes, spaced out around 1cm apart, that follow the snowflake's design. When you take the paper design away, you will be left with a pattern of dots to follow.
Step 3: Carefully push the thread through the hole at the end of a plastic needle, pulling it through until you have two long pieces dangling on either side. Then tie a thick knot at the end.
Step 4: Flip the plate back over so you’re looking at the flat back of the plate and begin by pushing your needle through a hole in the design, pulling the thread through until you feel the knot hit the plate. Then push the needle through the next hole and back to the other side of the plate and continue on.
Step 5: Once your snowflake design is finished, take some paint and add colour to the edge of your plate. Then punch a hole, add a twine loop and you have a finished winter craft to hang up at home!
What You’ll Need
- J.Burrows Sugarcane Plates 225mm 80 Pack
- Educational Colours Plastic Needles 32 Pack
- Born Yarn Needles 6 Pack
- Born Dual-Tip Brush Markers 50 Pack Assorted
- Born Watercolour Set 24 Pack
Christmas Craft Idea 10: Paper Plane

Up, up and away! Making paper planes is a great way for kids to practise their folding skills and this craft kit lets them try out five different techniques. While their planes might not break the Guinness World Record for distance flown by a paper plane (a whopping 88.31 metres!), they can have fun trying.
What You’ll Need
Christmas Craft Idea 11: Friendship Bracelets

Without a doubt, your children are going to miss their friends over the Christmas holiday period. Putting their minds and hands to work creating a friendship bracelet will have them excited for their reunion with their bestie. Not only will their craft session result in a beautiful collection of jewellery, but hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills and self-expression are all at work in this fun activity.
What You’ll Need
- Kadink Best Friend Bracelet Kit
- Educational Colours Friendship Bracelet Set Blues
- Galt Friendship Bracelets Kit
Christmas Craft Idea 12: Festive Cardboard Puppets

This super-jolly Santa puppet will bring all the smiles and cheer to little faces (while also being the perfect Christmas STEM activity). And if you need a few more days’ worth of activities, you could even make a whole Christmas scene with the big man in red, reindeer and elves.

Step 1: Download and print out the santa template, then cut out the parts for tracing. Take a piece of A4 red card and fold in half, then half again. Trace your arms and legs onto the card and cut out.
Step 2: Take another piece of red card and create your body and hat design, then cut out accessories like belt buckles and trim from pieces of black, yellow and white paper and card.
Step 3: Glue your accessories together on each separate piece and use a black paint marker to draw in Santa’s face. Add mittens and boots as well.
Step 4: Place all the pieces together, making sure they will all be able to move, so you can measure what length the legs should be.
Step 5: Finally, take gold paper fasteners and gently push them through the card, pinning the body to the legs and arms. Once secure, you will be able to twist them around and make Santa pull off some impressive moves!
What You’ll Need

- Kadink A4 Coloured Card 180gsm 30 Pack
- J.Burrows Comfort Grip Scissors 8"/203mm
- Bostik Blu Stik 35g
- Born Acrylic Paint Marker 1.3mm Classics 8 Pack
- J.Burrows 25mm Paper Fasteners Gold 100 Pack
- Kadink Construction Paper A4 Assorted 500 Pack
- Kadink A4 Coloured Card 180gsm 30 Pack