Getting homework done every afternoon can be a major cause of stress for students of all ages – and their parents. From the best times to study and how to stay focused, to whether your pet dog is your biggest helper or biggest distraction, these practical homework help tips will improve study skills and help the whole family find a routine that works.

Kindergarten to Year 3

Getting kids into a homework routine early will help improve their study skills.

Act It Out

“My seven-year-old loves to read – except when it comes to her school reader. She’s an enthusiastic actor, so we now ask her to perform homework reading for her three-year-old brother. They both love it.” – Jessica, mother of two

Be Well Equipped

The NSW government education website offers plenty of tips online, including setting up a quiet workspace with the right equipment. Consider basics such as pens, pencils, erasers, worksheets, scissors, glue, scrap paper, notebooks, ruler and calculator, plus a laptop or tablet, internet access and a printer where required.

Ring a Bell

“My eight-year-old son dreads his homework so each night, I put the oven timer on for 10 minutes at a time. He then knows that when it goes off time is up!” – Kellie, mother of two

Stay Positive

Younger children respond well to instant positive feedback, according to educational publisher Scholastic. When working through homework with them, praise something specific, such as particularly neat handwriting. Refer directly to the improvement they’ve shown since the last time they tried.

Years 4 to 6

Reading independently is an important study skill to develop before high school.

Let Your Pet Help

"Turn off all distractions and pat your dog or pet while you work!" – Fergus, Year 4 student

Find out How They Learn

“Work out how your kids study. Do they revise by reading text over and over? Or do they break down information into bullet points and read snapshots of text to learn? Or, does it sink in best by taking notes and creating Q&A cards for someone – a parent, sibling or friend – to quiz them on?” – Pip, mum of four school-aged boys.

Choose a Time

Scholastic recommends giving children a two-hour window in which to start their study. Depending on after school activities, it could be 3pm–5pm or 4.30pm–6.30pm. This gives them a sense of autonomy and lets them discern if they feel focused straight after school or need to take a break and reset first.

Read to Each Other

If your child is a confident reader, have them read to you from their school text. For students struggling with their reading, follow these guidelines from Education NSW when you read with them:

  • Predicting – ask them to try and guess what happens next.
  • Questioning – ask them questions about what they’re reading.
  • Monitoring – if you notice them rushing or stalling at a point, stop and talk about it before moving on.
  • Visualising – ask them to describe how they think scenes or characters look; it can help them engage with the text.
  • Making connections – compare the book to others you’ve read together, movies or real life scenarios that may be similar.
  • Summarising – when they finish the text, ask them to sum it up for you, a friend or sibling.

SEE ALSO: 5 Hacks to Get Kids Excited About Home Learning

Years 7 to 10

Homework skills, like breaking projects into smaller tasks, is essential for students

Ease Into High School

On her YouTube channel Study With Jess, psychology graduate Jessica Holsman guides students through the often overwhelming transition from primary to high school and offers plenty of practical advice. Try easy organisation ideas, such as using a diary to schedule homework, study skills sessions and breaks; storage solutions for a tidy desk; and organising phone, tablet and computer desktops with folders.

Meet up With Mates

"Study and do work with your friends." – Albie, Year 7 student

Break up Big Projects

“When you have assessments, get out a calendar and break up your assessment into smaller pieces and write mini deadlines for those on the calendar so you are working on it constantly and it seems achievable.” – Remi, Year 7 student.

Add Fun Breaks

“My 14-year-old son is learning to self-manage his time but I do suggest that he does half an hour of schoolwork, half an hour shooting hoops, then a snack, another half an hour of more schoolwork and then have a shower.” – Helen, mother of two

Try the Pomodoro Technique

A method developed by business consultant Francesco Cirillo when he was a uni student, the Pomodoro Technique is a timed 25-minute block of study followed by a 5-10 minute break, repeated four times before taking a longer 20-30 minute break. It’s said to enhance concentration and focus as well as increasing motivation. This online timekeeper is a great way to give it a go.

Create a Colour Code

“Keep all your work in coloured folders for each subject so you can easily go back and revise before tests.” – Kirsten, mum to eight and 12-year-old daughters.

Play a Soothing Soundtrack

"I play music in the background to keep calm, because if I'm calm, I'm focused." – Hugo, Year 10 student

SEE ALSO: 10 School Hacks Your Kids Will Actually Use

Senior Years

Taking regular breaks from homework by going outside can improve concentration.

Talk It Out

Online mental health organisation has a range of study and stress management tips for older students. As well as recommending planned breaks – when it’s okay to check phones or watch some TV – their experts suggest calling a friend to talk about study topics or repeating notes aloud from memory, as an effective method of revision.

Get Outside

Research shows that studying outside can calm the mind, increase creativity and improve learning capacity. There are also less distractions than at home – especially if you leave your phone behind.

Test Yourself

While studying and revising notes is important, it’s also essential to practice writing and recall under exam conditions. The NSW Education Standards Authority has HSC exam packs from previous years, while the VCAA offers the same resources for students in Victoria. Check each state’s department of education for relevant materials.

Download an App

ReachOut recommends apps that can help you get into a sleep routine, practise daily gratitude, talk with friends when issues come up, get organised and stay calm.

Snack Smart

Snacking while you complete homework isn’t just good for energy levels – eating the right foods can help improve results. According to a Harvard university article, walnuts and berries may help improve your cognitive function, while a UK study posits that eating fruit and veggies can improve mental wellbeing.