How busy can one person be? Dr Amantha Imber is an organisational psychologist and the founder of behavioural science consultancy Inventium. If you know her name, though, it’s likely because she’s also the host of the highly successful 'How I Work' podcast. Somehow, the AFR 100 Women of Influence listee also managed to fit in her most recent project, writing a book, and the key to her ability to get so much done seems to be in its title.

Called 'Time Wise', it features nuggets of efficiency wisdom from some of the guests on her podcast, including Mia Freedman and Turia Pitt. “I uncover a wealth of proven strategies that anyone can use to improve their productivity, work and lifestyle – and even win back a couple of bonus hours into your day,” says Amantha.

As well as strategy, you also need the tools, so here Amantha gives us the rundown of her favourite top tech and equipment that helps her get the most out of her day.

SEE ALSO: My Tech Top 5 with Zeller CEO Ben Pfisterer

My Top Tech and Equipment: Smart Watch

“I’m a fitness junkie, so I love my smartwatch for tracking my activity. I also use the built-in assistant to set timers and reminders when I’m on the go.”

What To Try

My Top Tech and Equipment: Microphone 

“I record my 'How I Work' podcast from my home studio, so having a top-quality microphone is critical for having a crisp-sounding show. It's also handy for virtual presentations and meetings.”

What to Try

A good quality microphone is a tech essential for How I Work podcast host Amantha Imber.

My Top Equipment When Using Technology All Day: Office Chair 

“Having a comfortable and ergonomic home office chair is one of the best investments I made when lockdowns hit Melbourne [in 2020]. My back – and my posture in general – thank me every day for making this purchase.”

What to Try

An ergonomic office chair is “one of the best investments,” says Time Wise author Amantha Imber.

SEE ALSO: How I Work: My Home Office Setup

My Top Tech and Equipment: Laptop

“I spend about 40 hours a week on my laptop for a mixture of personal and work-related tasks. I love the email client software Superhuman. Generally, though, I try to stay off the internet and websites in the morning, unless I am doing research for work."

What to Try

Amantha Imber lists a laptop as one of her top tech purchases.‍

My Top Tech and Equipment: Google Smart Speaker

“I often ask Google to set timers while I am cooking. At the moment, I’m listening to the soundtrack of [stage play] 'Six the Musical' a lot, which I saw live in Melbourne.”

What to Try

 A Google speaker is a top tech tip from How I Work podcast host Amantha Imber. ‍

SEE ALSO: Real Review: Samsung Galaxy Tab A8

Amantha Photography: Amy Gubana