The Australian Oxford Mini Thesaurus is perfect for taking your writing to the next level. Featuring over 150,000 alternative words, clear cross-references and example phrases and sentences, makes learning a breeze.
It includes clear cross-references to words with opposite and related meanings.
It's suitable for ages 8 and above.
It's compact in size which makes it ideal for travelling.
There are example phrases and sentences included to show how a word is used in its correct context.
It includes over 150,000 alternative and opposite words.
This product is FSC certified, so you can be sure your purchase supports healthy forests and protects wildlife.
By purchasing this product, you are contributing to the Restoring Australia initiative in which Officeworks will plant 2 trees for every 1 used, based on the weight of paper-based products that customers buy at Officeworks.
Officeworks FSC Video
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