When you’re unleashing your creative side, the most important ingredient is feeling inspired. Give your brain the space to engage with your inner muse by gathering together all the tech, tools and equipment that can lend a helping hand. Whether you paint, draw, design, compose, write or capture photographs, we’ve found the best tools for artists of all types that can provide a sneaky shortcut to self expression.

Fine Artist

CThese are the best tools for artists who draw, paint, sketch or sculpt.

Do you draw, paint, sketch or sculpt? Or maybe you dabble in watercolours and experiment with charcoal? A fine artist uses a variety of media to express themselves and create beautiful and meaningful pieces of visual art. If this sounds like you, try these best tools for fine artists.

Skilled Photographer

If you’re a photographer, these are the best tools for artists.

Ready, set, snap! Whether you need fuel for your Instagram feed, want to create a series of family portraits or you’re a professional or passionate hobbyist, these products will turn your camera from a piece of tech into a creative tool.

SEE ALSO: How to Express Yourself Creatively, Even if You’re Not Arts-y

Digital Designer or Illustrator

These are the best tools for artists who design and illustrate in a digital medium.

You’ve got vision, an eye for detail, and a head for mastering all things technological. Channel your creativity into digital art, drawing, graphic design and layouts. This type of expertise combines creative and commercial skills, as you design everything from products and packaging, to websites, magazines and advertising materials – and these design tools for graphic artists can help.

Musician or Music Producer

TThe best tools for artists who work with music and sound.

Technology has changed the way that music is made: bye-bye orchestra and hello one-man band. These apps, tools, accessories and gadgets will help you make beautiful tunes in moments.

SEE ALSO: Essential Art Supplies for Students to Add to Their Kit

Budding Bestselling Writer

Got a way with words? These are the best tools for artists who put their imaginations on paper

Got a way with words? Writing is the ultimate creative expression, whether you put pen to paper or tap away at a keyboard all day. Budding Zadie Smiths and Jonathan Franzens, take note: the following is a list of writerly tools to support your creative process.